SQL Programming

Data is a central part of many web applications and mobile applications. For example, an application like Facebook contains a user’s profile information, including information about their friends and posts. To maintain this data, a database system is used. SQL (structured query language) is a programming language that allows programmers to work with that data. If you want to know more detail about databases and its systems, I recommend you check this article.


Although an application can be programmed in a language such as Python, PHP or Ruby, the databases are not configured to understand them. Databases only understand SQL , so learning SQL is almost essential if you intend to work in web development or application development.

Although an application can be programmed in a language such as Python, PHP or Ruby, the databases are not configured to understand them. Databases only understand SQL , so learning SQL is almost essential if you intend to work in web development or application development.

Now let’s look at some of the most common SQL database systems. 


The world’s leading SQL database system. It is used in a wide range of industries but is particularly popular in data storage and online transaction processing.


This open source database system is available free to individuals and businesses. It is very popular among small businesses and new businesses, since there is no license fee. Due to its open source model, MySQL is used in many open source software programs and applications.


Also Free and open-source with a community development. Since MariaDB is a fork of MySQL, the database structure and MariaDB indexes are the same as MySQL. This allows you to switch from MySQL to MariaDB without having to modify your applications, since data and data structures will not have to change.


SQL Server is Microsoft’s custom SQL database management system. This database runs on all major versions of Windows operating systems. It is used in consumer software, as well as web servers running Windows. It has a large user base.


A competitor of MySQL, PostgreSQL is another free open source database system. It is widely used by new technology companies for their free license model. PostgreSQL is compatible with all major operating systems: MacOS, Windows and Linux. Greater emphasis is placed on following standard SQL syntax than other databases. Other databases (such as SQL Server) greatly modify the SQL standard, making them more difficult to learn.

By Yuuma.




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