Flutter boosts it’s mobile performance

Google Flutter 2.8, the latest version of open source, cross-platform toolkit for building web, mobile, and desktop applications, has been released, with some improvements in mobile performance and better service compatibilities.

Flutter 2.8′ has been released on December 8 including with Flame Modular 2D Game Engine(v1.0), a game engine built on Flutter to be able to create games faster with flutter.

Flutter 2.8 brings performance boost and new Dart features - 9to5Google
Image Credit : Google

Google said mobile apps built with Flutter 2.8 should be faster and use less memory. The company said it is leveraging its experience with great Google apps such as Google Pay to make Flutter more efficient and provide profiling and optimization better.

It also makes it easy to connect to back-end services like Firebase and Google Cloud. In addition to supporting the production quality of Google Ads, including major camera updates and built-in web plugins.

Furthermore Dart 2.15, a programming language update that offers improved concurrency, improved enums, and optimizations that reduce memory usage by 10%. Also offering capabilities including stateful hot reload. Google also is exploring higher-level abstractions to make it easier for developers to get running faster. 

Flutter is for building cross-platform applications from a single code base. The goal is to change the way applications are created so that mobile, web, desktop, and embedded applications can be developed using a single toolset. The framework currently has 375,000 apps on the Google Play Store, as well as iOS apps available on the Apple App Store.





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