
Apple Vison Proの発売日が決定

Apple Vision Proの米国での発売日が2月2日に決定したそうです。





株式会社ギガスジャパン 社員一同


拝啓 年の瀬も押し詰まり、ご多用のことと存じ上げます。
今年一年ご愛顧を賜りまして大変感謝申し上げますと伴に、皆様のご多幸をお祈りいたします 。


年内営業   令和5年12月28日 15:00まで
年始営業   令和6年1月5日 10:00より

Copilot with Suno

Microsoft’s AI-powered chatbot, Copilot, has joined forces with the GenAI music app Suno to enable users to compose songs effortlessly. By inputting prompts such as “Create a pop song about adventures with your family” into Copilot, users can utilize the Suno plug-in to transform their ideas into complete songs, complete with lyrics, instrumentals, and singing voices. This integration is accessible through Microsoft Edge by visiting Copilot.Microsoft.com, logging in with a Microsoft account, and enabling the Suno plug-in or clicking on the Suno logo labeled “Make music with Suno.” The collaboration aims to democratize music creation, with the experience rolling out to users progressively.

The partnership between Microsoft Copilot and Suno reflects the growing trend among tech giants and startups to invest in GenAI-driven music creation technology. In November, Google AI lab DeepMind and YouTube introduced Lyria, a GenAI model for music, and Dream Track, a tool for building AI tunes in YouTube Shorts. Meta has also explored AI music generation experiments. Despite this surge in innovation, ethical and legal issues surrounding AI-synthesized music persist. Questions of consent, compensation for artists, and the potential exploitation of creators remain unresolved, leading to debates about fair use and intellectual property rights.

Suno, while contributing to the evolving landscape of AI-generated music, faces scrutiny for not disclosing its AI training data sources on its website. Unlike some competitors, Suno does not restrict users from entering prompts like “in the style of [artist],” raising concerns about the potential misuse of copyrighted material. As debates over usage rights unfold in legal forums, viral homemade tracks utilizing GenAI to replicate authentic sounds have surfaced, prompting music labels to address intellectual property concerns with streaming platforms. While legal clarity on the status of GenAI music may emerge through court decisions, a newly introduced Senate bill seeks to provide artists with recourse when their digital likenesses, including musical styles, are used without permission.

You can read the full detail article from microsoft here.


Exploring Adonis.js which is a Powerful Node.js Framework

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, Node.js has established itself as a robust and scalable platform. One of the frameworks that has gained popularity within the Node.js ecosystem is Adonis.js. In this blog post, we’ll look into the world of Adonis.js, its key features, and the benefits that make it stand out in the crowded realm of web development.

Adonis.js is a full-featured, MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework for Node.js that takes inspiration from the elegant Laravel framework for PHP. The influence of Laravel is evident in Adonis.js’s syntax and the way it embraces conventions to simplify development. If you’re already familiar with Laravel, exploring Adonis.js should feel like a natural progression.

Key Features

1. Lucid ORM

   Adonis.js comes bundled with Lucid, its own Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system. Lucid simplifies database interactions, allowing developers to work with databases using a fluent and easy-to-understand syntax. This makes it a breeze to perform database operations and relationships.

2. Powerful CLI

   The Command Line Interface (CLI) in Adonis.js is a developer’s best friend. It provides a set of powerful commands that automate common tasks, such as creating controllers, models, and migrations. This CLI significantly boosts productivity by eliminating the need for repetitive manual tasks.

3. Middleware

   Adonis.js embraces the concept of middleware, enabling developers to write reusable code that can be executed during the request-response lifecycle. Middleware in Adonis.js can be applied globally or on a per-route basis, providing flexibility and control over the application’s flow.

4. Authentication and Authorization

   Building secure applications is a top priority, and Adonis.js makes it easier with its built-in authentication and authorization system. It supports a variety of authentication methods and allows developers to define roles and permissions, ensuring that sensitive data is protected.

Benefits of Adonis.js

1. Productivity Boost

   The combination of a powerful CLI and an expressive syntax significantly accelerates the development process. Adonis.js empowers developers to focus on building features rather than spending time on boilerplate code.

2. Convention over Configuration

   Adonis.js follows the convention over configuration paradigm, which means developers can achieve a lot with minimal configuration. This promotes consistency across projects and reduces the cognitive load associated with complex setups.

3. Scalability

   With its modular structure and support for MVC architecture, Adonis.js is well-suited for building scalable applications. As your project grows, the framework provides a solid foundation for maintaining clean and organized code.


As you explore Adonis.js, the Laravel-inspired framework for Node.js, you’ll likely appreciate the seamless transition if you’re already familiar with Laravel. From the elegant syntax to the powerful CLI, built-in features like Lucid ORM and its clear documentation, Adonis.js stands out as a framework that combines simplicity with robust capabilities, taking cues from one of PHP’s most beloved frameworks.

Hope you enjoy that. Happy coding, fellas!





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