Some Key Differences between Laravel & Symfony

Today, I would like to share about some key differences between Laravel and Symfony. Lets’ take a look.

Laravel and Symfony are both popular PHP frameworks. They have a lot in common. But some are different. For differences, first of all is directory structure. Their directory structure are different.

CLI Tool

Laravel has php artisan cli tool whereas Symfony has php bin/console

Code base type

Laravel provides usage of Facades and helper functions whereas Symfony relys more on concept of Dependency Injection.


Default ORM of Laravel is Eloquent. Symfony’s default is Doctrine.

Template Engine

Laravel’s default template engine is blade whereas Symfony’s one is Twig.


If about performances, the measurements vary depending on many facts. But most voting for app speed are got by Laravel. However, Symfony is also known for its optimization and easy long-term maintenance.


Laravel supports only PHP and JSON whereas Symfony can use several formats such as PHP, XLIFF, .po mo and so on.

This is all for now. Hope you enjoy that.

By Asahi




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