Searching code snippets

Developers often spend hours searching for snippets to use and Google for StackOverflow on Sourcegraph. I will introduce to a website called , a search engine for codes you can reuse.

Code snippets are blocks of code that you can share and reuse. Reusing safe and tested code not only improves productivity, but also always imports the correct code for missing arguments (missing arguments, unchecked error codes, exceptions, etc.).

We usually don’t remember all the details for writing a block of code. If there are required or optional parameters, what parameters does the function take and what are their types? Code snippets allow you to use the code patterns directly to maximize your productivity. is a code snippet search engine. You don’t have to google for hours. Find the snippet that’s right for you. For example, if you search for “react typescript”, will only show Snippets related to TypeScript, and “react javascript” will only show snippets related to JavaScript (and obviously react).

For example, if I want to search for array sorting code snippet for JavaScript,

I think this service is pretty convenient for developers like us. I hope this might be helpful for you too.





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