Factory Design Pattern
- 2020年8月03日
- 技術情報
Factory Method is a creation design pattern that provides an interface for creating objects and allows subclasses to alter the type of objects that will be created.
Imagine that you’re implementing a mailing feature . At first you are sending email with mailgun and all of your business source code are all in one place.
Later you have to implement using another service called mailchimp. So you have to overwrite you source code again. If you are going to use both of the services, your code will be messy to be able to work for both services.
At this point , we can use factory design pattern, by creating objects for both service classes. So, we gonna build a mailing interface with an abstract function `sendmail` first. Then we will have two sub classes to implement that interface (mailgun and mailchimp classes for now). Inside these classes, there will be a function to override the abstract function from interface called `sendmail` which will be different in implementation according to classes.
At the final step, we will create factory classes and return mail implementation concrete classes. The client just has to choose which factory to be used, doesn’t has to know the detail implementation of the concrete classes which is the main theme of this factory pattern.
So I will create code samples for the above scenarios. I will write in PHP & C#.
PHP Sample Code
abstract class MailerFactory
abstract function mailDriver();
class MailchimpFactory extends MailerFactory
public function mailDriver()
return new MailchimpMailer();
class MailgunFactory extends MailerFactory
public function mailDriver()
return new MailgunMailer();
interface Mailer
function sendmail($message);
class MailchimpMailer implements Mailer
public function sendmail($message)
echo("Mailchimp email > " . $message . "<br/>");
class MailgunMailer implements Mailer
public function sendmail($message)
echo("mailgun email > " . $message . "<br/>");
//Client code
$client = new MailchimpFactory();
$client->mailDriver()->sendmail("This is from Mailchimp");
$client = new MailgunFactory();
$client->mailDriver()->sendmail("this is from mailgun");
C# sample code
using System;
namespace HelloWorld
abstract class MailerFactory
public abstract Mailer mailDriver();
class MailchimpFactory : MailerFactory
public override Mailer mailDriver()
return new MailchimpMailer();
class MailgunFactory : MailerFactory
public override Mailer mailDriver()
return new MailgunMailer();
public interface Mailer
string sendmail(string message);
class MailchimpMailer : Mailer
public string sendmail(string message)
return "sending from mailchimp";
class MailgunMailer : Mailer
public string sendmail(string message)
return "sending from mailgun";
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var mailgun = new MailgunFactory();
Console.WriteLine(mailgun.mailDriver().sendmail("sending from mailgun"));
var mailchimp = new MailchimpFactory();
Console.WriteLine(mailchimp.mailDriver().sendmail("sending from mailchimp"));
- loosely coupling as classes are not depending on each other.
- easy to maintain (extend or remove) concrete classes.
- Code might be nasty when many concrete classes are implementing to one interface.
By Yuuma
yuuma at 2020年08月03日 11:07:22