Constants In PHP Object Oriented Programming

Today I will talk about constants which are very useful in development. Before we dive into code samples, there are a few things you have to remember.

  1. – It is declared inside a class with the const keyword.
  2. – They are case-sensitive. It’s better to name them all upper case letter for best practice.
  3. – We can access them back outside of the class with this operator (::)

Let’s see a simple constant and it has been called outside of the class.

class Welcome {
  const HELLO_MSG = "Hello From Gigas!";

echo Welcome::HELLO_MSG;
// this will output "Hello From Gigas!"

And also we can access the constant within the class like this using self keyword.

class Welcome {
  const HELLO_MSG = "Hello From Gigas!";
  public function sayHello() {
    echo self::HELLO_MSG;

$hello = new Welcome();
// this too will output "Hello From Gigas!"

By Yuuma




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