Useful Laravel Packages

Today I would like to share about useful laravel packages. The following packages are most useful 7 packages of the best laravel packages. Let’s take a look.

Laravel Debugbar

Laravel Debugbar is a package that help users add a developer toolbar to their applications. This package is mainly used for debugging purposes. There are a lot of options available in Debugbar. It allows you to monitor and debug all the requests directly on the Laravel view. You can also monitor SQL queries, Mail, and queue.

Laravel User Verification

This package allows you to handle user verification and validates emails. It generates and stores a verification token for the registered user, sends or queue an email with the verification token link, handles the token verification, sets the user as verified. This package also provides functionality, i.e verified route middleware.


Socialite offers a simple and easy way to handle OAuth authentication. It allows the users to login via some of the most popular social networks and services including Facebook, Twitter, Google, GitHub, and BitBucket.

Laravel Mix

Laravel Mix provides a clean and rich Application Programming Interface (API) for defining webpack-build steps for your project. It is the most powerful asset compilation tool available for Laravel today.

Migration Generator

Migration generator is a Laravel package that you can use to generate migrations from an existing database, including indexes and foreign keys.

Laravel Backup

This Laravel package creates a backup of all your files within an application. It creates a zip file that contains all files in the directories you specify along with a dump of your database. You can store a backup on any file system.

No Captcha

No Captcha is a package for implementing Google reCaptcha validation and protecting forms from spamming. First, you need to obtain a free API key from reCaptcha.

This is all for now.

Hope you enjoy that.

By Asahi




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