
4 Reasons Why We Need Code Reviews

Code reviews are necessary as they offer multiple benefits that help improve your code and your team. These benefits include:

  • Helping reduce bugs and logic errors
  • Providing an opportunity for training
  • Spreading knowledge across areas and teams
  • Revealing new ideas and techniques

Code reviews help reduce bugs and logic errors

One of the main things a reviewer should be looking for when reviewing code is that the code does the right thing without any errors.

It may seem like it would be hard to find bugs while reading code, but as developers become more experienced reviewing code, issues will start to stand out.

Even with QA and automated testing, finding bugs during a code review is helpful. Reviews help verify the code and tests are both correct. A code review can direct the developer to the exact area of the problem, making it easier to debug and fix. Reviews are just one more step we can use to help avoid stressful after hour bugs.

Reviews offer opportunities for training

We all know how quickly the technology around us changes. there is a new language, tool, or framework every day. We also learn new best practices, standards, and ways to do things as we gain more experience.

How do we keep all the developers on the team up to date with these changes? Of course, there are courses, tutorials, blogs, the team wikis, and guides out there. But do we have time for every developer on our team to always go through a course? Developers should continue to use these resources and learn from them.  However, none of these resources have come close to what we learned by working with the team and having code reviewed. Good code has come from code reviews.

Code reviews spread knowledge across areas and teams

If we had two teams of developers who always worked together and reviewed each other’s code versus two groups of developers who never reviewed the other team’s code, who do you think will have better code in the long run?

It probably will be the teams that review each other’s code. Those two teams will be passing knowledge back and forth about their specific areas and the best way to do things. They will be learning from different experiences and projects.

Code reviews also reveal new ideas and techniques

Reviews will teach the same team new things the same way they will teach multiple teams. But new ideas and techniques often come up in code reviews even among the same team members.

Think about most of the code we write. How often do we research different design patterns, consider different architectures or attempt multiple solutions before deploying code? At most places, we don’t have the time to pair program on everything or always meet about how to code every feature. Once a team implements a review process, these suggestions happen without extra steps.


Code Obfuscation

Obfuscation is making something complex and difficult to understand. Programming codes are often obfuscated to decrease the security risks such as preventing an attacker from reverse engineering a software program and protect intellectual properties.

Code obfuscation is not about changing the program’s original code contents, but rather about making the presentation of that code more confusing. Obfuscation does not change how the program works or outputs.

The following are some techniques we should know about obfuscation.


The obfuscator alters the methods and names of variables. The new names may include unprintable or invisible characters.


This compresses the entire program to make the code unreadable.

String encryption

This method uses encryption to hide the strings in the executable and only restores the values when they are needed to run the program. This makes it difficult to go through a program and search for particular strings.

Control flow

The decompiled code is made to look like spaghetti logic, which is unstructured and hard to maintain code where the line of thought is obscured. Results from this code are not clear, and it’s hard to tell what the point of the code is by looking at it.

Instruction pattern transformation

This approach takes common instructions created by the compiler and swaps them for more complex, less common instructions that effectively do the same thing.

Dummy code insertion

Dummy code can be added to a program to make it harder to read and reverse engineer, but it does not affect the program’s logic or outcome.

Metadata or unused code removal

Unused code and metadata give the reader extra information about the program, much like annotations on a Word document, that can help them read and debug it. Removing metadata and unused code leaves the reader with less information about the program and its code.


Obfuscation techniques are used in various cases. For example, these can be used to stop someone from copying your client-side code. And enterprises also need to make sure that websites are protected against malicious code injection and it difficult to discover useful information such as trade secrets (IP), credentials, or security vulnerabilities from an application.

Hope you enjoy that.

By Asahi

Laravel Package to translate with a translation API

Today I would like to share about a laravel package that I wrote recently. That package is to translate languages easily using a translation API. I had to use a translation api in my project. Then I wanted to write short code for translation feature and reuse it for future. So I created this package locally.

Methods that can be used

After creating Translation Object, you can use the following methods.

$obj = new Translate();


$translated_text = $obj->translate('Hello World", 'EN', 'JA'); 

echo $translated_text;

Getting supported languages

$languages = $obj->languages();

foreach($languages as $lang){
    echo $lang['language']."-".$lang['name'].'<br>';

Getting supported sourcelanguages

$source_languages = $obj->languages('source');

foreach($source_languages as $lang){
    echo $lang['language']."-".$lang['name'].'<br>';

Getting supported targetlanguages

$target_languages = $obj->languages('target');

foreach($target_languages as $lang){
    echo $lang['language']."-".$lang['name'].'<br>';

You can monitor your usage of translation API

$usage= $obj->usage();

echo $usage['character_count'].' characters have been used. Maximum number of characters that can be translated in the current billing period are '.$usage['character_limit'];

You can setup a timeout in requesting api


Hope you enjoyed that.

By Asahi

Self Introduction

Pleasure to meet you all. I am Ei Ei Phyo. Japanese name is tsuki. I am 26. I am from Myanmar.

Now I am working as a remote web developer in GIGAS JAPAN. Even thought this is my third week at GIGAS JAPAN, I’ve already found out I have to learn a lot and I believe I can learn it through all talented people working in this amazing working environment.

Every stay safe.

By tuski

Self Introduction

I am Wai Thaw Oo. I am from Myanmar. My japanese name is Asahi. I am 23 years old.

Now I am working as a Remote Web Developer in GIGAS JAPAN Co., Ltd.

My hobbies are playing guitars, reading and swimming. Sometimes I play chess. I also enjoy writing technical blogs and sharing them with others.

I will write technical articles every Tuesday.

Nice to meet you all. Thank you very much.

By Asahi




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